"No matter how hard it looks don't give up!" - Todor Nikolov
Today was the first session of the course HTML & CSS Basics.
Most of the students didn’t have previous experience with programming, but they manage to comprehend the new material. They started with creating their first web pages and learned how to open them in the browser.
From what I saw, everyone worked with diligence and interest. When they met with difficulties, they didn’t quit, instead they asked questions in order to solve their problem. They learned how to combine HTML with CSS in order to give stylization to the HTML elements of their page. I want to thank Coding Girls for hosting this workshop and everyone who attended!
P.S. The report was done by the instructor Todor Nikolov. Coding Girls Team is very grateful for his help, time and expertise :)
We are looking forward to the Part 2 of Coding Fundamentals!