Q: I’d like to become a speaker, but I don’t know what to talk about?
A: There are a lot of topics to talk about. The main topics that would be interesting for the audience are the following:
Technology - embrace the change.
Inspiration - change the world.
Community - be the change.
Share your story about your professional and personal path.
Q: I’d like to be a speaker, but I don’t have any public speaking experience. (and I don’t feel comfortable and confident while speaking in public).
A: Well, Coding Girls is your best start! We provide a supportive and friendly environment. Feel free to submit your presentation as well as script before presenting. We will support your with some tips and trick that will help you while delivering a speech.
Q: I’m interested in technology and would like to contribute to the Coding Girls community, but I’m not coding.
A: We are also interested in Innovation, Creativity, Leadership, Women in Tech, Startups, Agile/Lean and Community topics.