According to Eurostat more than 8 million ICT specialists were employed in the EU in 2016. Bulgaria ranks #1 in female ICT specialists among the EU countries.
“In the European Union (EU), 8.2 million persons were employed in 2016 as Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) specialists, representing 3.7% of total employment. Over recent years, both the number and the share of ICT specialists in total employment have continuously risen to better adapt to an ever digitalised world.”
The fact that cannot be denied, the ICT field is largely dominated by men, “accounting in 2016 for more than 8 out of 10 ICT specialists employed in the EU (83.3%), and of highly educated people, with more than 6 in 10 ICT specialists (61.8%) having a tertiary education or higher.”
Across Europe women mostly remain underrepresented in technology. Bulgaria has the highest proportion, with 31,02 percent female ICT specialists, according to recently released Eurostat data. Romania showed a close result with 26.3 percent. Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Iceland and Sweden follow with over 20 percent.
The European Union's average of Women in Tech is 16.7 percent. #womenintech #eurostat
The country with the lowest number of women in tech is Slovakia with less than 10 percent.
According to the World Economic Forum: “Yet women make up a small proportion of the working force in Europe’s digital sector, and they are under-represented at all levels, especially in decision-making positions.”
Based on a current trend we can assume that there are going to be around 10 million ICT related jobs in the EU by 2020. How many of them will be occupied by women?
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